How the value of sponsorships in MotoGP is measured

In MotoGP, as in many other top-level sports, sponsors are essential for teams to survive and succeed – as one of the main sources of revenue. And the brands want to be involved to reach their target audiences, boosting their business.

Naturally, it’s crucial to have detailed insights of how to maximize the value of a partnership, knowing, for example, which areas of the bike or moments of the race weekend makes the logos most visible. And the companies also need that detailed information to justify the money spent on advertising.
According to the specialist website RTR Sports Markeging, Dorna works with Clearsight to analyze the broadcasts, and the provide each team with detailed reports – those documents accurately measure the time each sponsor is visible on TV.

The measurements incorporate several economic parameters, such as the average cost of advertising and TV viewership, to then determine the value of visibility. The analysis goes so far as to verify how the brand exposure is distributed in different media and on the bikes. In this way, it’s possible to find the most profitable moments and spaces. Everything is taken into account, from the circuit to the positions of the cameras, and even the weather conditions.

There are also specific analysis aimed at measuring the value of sponsorships on the internet and social media. An algorithm takes into account audience engagement, as well as the target audience. Data such as visits, views and interactions in online media are analysed.

With all the extensive data analysis, sponsors and companies are able to assess the effectiveness of sponsorships, including in the digital world, understanding the results more objectively, accurately and immediately. And, thus, the brands are able to inform stakeholders about the real potential and effectiveness of the sponsorship they provide.

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Read More: How the value of sponsorships in MotoGP is measured 2023-07-29 11:55:12

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